About Me

Its raining cats and blogs and I wanted to have my own too! I love the idea of voicing my opinions to an unknown audience and this is an ideal platform.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Does a smile hurt?

I wonder when I look at some poeple - what do they lose by smiling? My eager and friendly face is met with attitude, nonchalance or a smirk. People will just look past you as if they didnt see you. These could be strangers, casual acquaintances and even people you know well.

I guess once in a while one is consumed by their work, worries and thoughts and fail to take notice of other people in their presence. I would give them the benefit of doubt. But there is this other category of people that just want to be rude; and while I dont take it personally, I am a little disturbed by their behaviour.

I've seen this happen more in India than in the US, unfortunately. I would definitely like to see that change. Something we can learn from their culture I think.

Wouldnt the world be a nicer place if we all at least smile when we see other human beings? I believe in the adage - 'Smile, it costs you nothing!'


- Poorvi