About Me

Its raining cats and blogs and I wanted to have my own too! I love the idea of voicing my opinions to an unknown audience and this is an ideal platform.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Does a smile hurt?

I wonder when I look at some poeple - what do they lose by smiling? My eager and friendly face is met with attitude, nonchalance or a smirk. People will just look past you as if they didnt see you. These could be strangers, casual acquaintances and even people you know well.

I guess once in a while one is consumed by their work, worries and thoughts and fail to take notice of other people in their presence. I would give them the benefit of doubt. But there is this other category of people that just want to be rude; and while I dont take it personally, I am a little disturbed by their behaviour.

I've seen this happen more in India than in the US, unfortunately. I would definitely like to see that change. Something we can learn from their culture I think.

Wouldnt the world be a nicer place if we all at least smile when we see other human beings? I believe in the adage - 'Smile, it costs you nothing!'


- Poorvi


Anonymous said...

what a coincidence to see that it was not only me who is haunted by this strange and uncomfortable feeling..I hav always wondered at people who do not even bother to return the smile they happened to get from a stranger..Doesn't it light up the spirits to see a curl of lips from a passerby.what solution do they get for their own miseries by not accepting the beautiful little things in life which cost nothing..

aditto said...

always thought about this!