About Me

Its raining cats and blogs and I wanted to have my own too! I love the idea of voicing my opinions to an unknown audience and this is an ideal platform.

Friday, March 9, 2007

First impressions

Before I forget, I want to list down the ten things in America that really amazed me during my first few months of stay here:

1. Democracy.. taken a step ahead.
Advertisers can name their competitors and criticize them openly. Imagine the detergent ad in India with the words 'sadharan sabun' and 'naya rin'. That would be so different if this were allowed back home.

2. Canine/Feline luxuries
There are specialty foods and diet pills for pets like cats and dogs. So you will see an extreme close up of some exotic dish and how its prepared, how mouth watering it is -- and at the end of it a dog/cat is shown savouring it! And as if there arent enough diet pills and weight loss programmes for human beings, pets can have their own dose, should they feel left out!

3. Ticket, Ticket...no more !!
You need exact change for the bus fare. If you dont have a bus pass or a student id, you need to carry the exact fare for eg. $1.75. Else, just pay whatever you have and move on. There is no bus conductor to tender change :)

4. Dedication goes an extra mile...
People jogging on the pavement. And mind you -not just in summer. There is no weather in which I've not seen a jogger on the road; and I believe I've seen them at all times of the day/night. While we shiver in our multiple layers of winter clothing, it is astonishing to see someone in half pants and a sweatshirt running along the road with the ipod plugged in. Truly inspirational.

5. A Convenient journey
All pavements are friendly for handicapped people. For that matter, special parking lots, seating in public transportation, public places of interest like museums - all have specific provisions for handicapped people. Thats called caring for the disabled.

6. Blame it on the weatherman
Whats the constant obsession with weather all about? Rainfall is termed as a "Rain Event", no less. Forecasts are available by the hour, location and based on the purpose eg. driving/outdoor sports/interstate driving/travel etc. Only until I saw a perfectly sunny evening change into a severe rainstorm and back to the sunny evening all within a half hour did I realize the importance of weather monitoring. And only after going through the first winter in Northeast America I understand why everyday in summer is called 'A beautiful day' :)

7. Goodbye, State electricity boards.
Electricity is privatized. So when you move, you take your electricity service provider with you.

8. Buy more to save more ??
Sales and discounts. All year round all the time. And more sales and discounts for every holiday - from President's Day to Chirstmas.

9. Size does matter.
From the tree alongside my apartment building to the grocery store round the corner, everything that meets the eye is larger than things I've ever seen in India. Needless to mention the cars, roads, malls, office buildings etc. And oh - people too. It took coming to America to make me understand the meaning of morbid obesity.

10. Whats your zipcode?
Vehicle Insurance changes based on location - not just by city but by area. The zipcode where you live/park your vehicle determines the insurance quote. That was definitely news to me!

Lastly, one note on the traffic in America. For folks (like me) who have driven through the craziest of conditions in India, it just seems too rule-ridden out here. Safe, but not used to it one bit.

1 comment:

Kamlesh Acharya said...

My comments : points wise.

3. Singapore also has the same rule. You have an easy link card you scan in the bus train etc. If not, pay the fare which is greater than what you're charged by the card. Also, no change back. So you tender exact change else forget it.

4. Singapore has its own share of fitness freaks. any time of the day or night, you might see someone or the other jogging around. Weather might not be that challenging however.

5. You're surprised at the amount of thought process that goes to develop every facility. Everything is built with an eye on making it convenient for physically challenged people. All thanks to ADA compliance regulations. Btw, you better get politically right when you go public... esp. because you're in US of A. Disabled or Handicapped is not the right word. "Physically challenged" is.

8. I'm sure walmart plays a major role in "Every day Low Prices". Watch out for my article on a different dimension of Walmart. coming soon.. ;) ... did tonnes of case studies on Wal-mart in my last one yr at mba...

10. Zipcode is sacrosanct here as well. Just tell the zip code and you'll get to know how to reach that place in the shortest/cheapest possible way.. blah blah ....

Wonder when India would reach this level of discipline, convenience, alround development.

A good simple knowledge base from the eyes of an unknown Indian... ;-)

Keep writing.