About Me

Its raining cats and blogs and I wanted to have my own too! I love the idea of voicing my opinions to an unknown audience and this is an ideal platform.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

A walk in the park

I have created a new adage - A walk in the park is worth two in the gym.

The fresh air , the morning dew, flowers glistening in the sun, dogs running around, the quietness, the early morning calm - all make it worth the effort of pulling oneself out of bed :D
As my husband and I took a morning walk in the nearby dog park, armed with the camera, I couldnt help but wonder - why dont we do this more often. Running in the gym, counting calories burned seemed so artificial, so unnatural. Being in the park gave the feeling of oneness with nature. We shot this picture, among other beautiful ones. Simple beauty, nothing magnificent, yet worthy of our time and appreciation.

I thought of the poem we all read in school - What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare. How true it is - I said to myself.

Come spring, we have been walking at one park or the other. The most natural way of keeping fit and enjoying the surroundings! I highly recommend it to everyone :D


Anonymous said...

Nice blog.. Hope you will update often :)

Anil Singhal said...

hmmm, so finally dawned: What is life without care? :-)